Feb 15, 2009


Continuing the various top five lists we've posted, here are five of the greatest hockey fights of all-time. Many of these are all out brawls with two entire teams going at it. All of them get the crowds going (some more literally than others), and all, like any good fight, ratchet up the intensity for the rest of the game. Enjoy.

5. Boston Bruins vs. Washington Capitals

Always great to see goalies fighting, but it's especially fun considering Kolzig and Dafoe are best friends. I especially like the jawing afterwords between Boston coach Pat Burns and Caps head coach Ron Wilson.

4. Tie Domi vs. Bob Probert

Love the "championship belt" celebration by Domi before all hell breaks lose on the ice. Probert is quite a bit bigger than him, but Domi is the clear winner of this one.

3. PJ Stock vs. Stephen Peat

In the Bruins/Caps rematch (see above), PJ Stock--always a fan favorite in Boston--and Stephen Peat throw about a million punches in one minute. Haymaker after haymaker after haymaker. Great fight.

2. Patrick Roy vs. Chris Osgood

Roy wanted a fight and got all he could handle--and more. Osgood was hesitant at first but ended up kicking Roy's ass. I especially love the atmosphere in Detroit after this fight, with the sellout crowd chanting "Ozzy, Ozzy." Only one fight could knock this one out of the top spot...

1. Boston Bruins vs. New York Rangers, People of New York

Nothing else needs to be said...

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