Jan 22, 2009


We've already looked at the five best alternate designs, now let's go over the five worst.

5. Ottawa Senators

My main problems with this one are the sleeves and the sides. Too many stripes and color changes going every which way. There is simply too much going on, and the piping on the shoulders looks ridiculous. I actually don't mind the slant of the writing, but the rest ruins a logo with potential.

4. Pittsburgh Penguins

The Pens have been black, gold, and (I guess) white for so long that anything else just doesn't work. The ugly light blue, coupled with the yellow of the normal logo in the center clashes badly, and the black lines at the base of the sleeves look strange.

3. Phoenix Coyotes

I actually like the Coyotes normal jerseys, but these are just plain weird. The leaping coyote is such a far cry from what we've seen in Phoenix over the years (which is not always a bad thing). The striping on the sides doesn't look quite right, and the slanted coloring on the sleeves is strange.
Close, but no cigar.

2. Dallas Stars
Boring. Boring. Boring. It's white, it's straightforward, and it's bland. No piping on the bottom makes it look even more empty.

1. Atlanta Thrashers

What were they thinking? The color scheme is weird, has no relation whatsoever to their normal jerseys, and the writing is too high and too thin. Ugh.

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